
Frank Mewes


Star Wars Issued Brown box early issue Multi-Packs (& white Cantina packs)
This is going to be a long haul & an on going project trying to compile as many as I can, this will be happening with the help of Andy_R & Pat O’Brien both from RS, so please be patient.
Multi packs (MP’s) were issued by several companies in the U.S to and provided a cheaper alternative to Carded figures & a way for folk to add multiple figures to there collections, these packs were available via post from retail stores Sears, J.C.Penny, Wards, Spiegel & Aldens with some companies only offering a few & others offering many, some packs were specific to just one outlet while other being available from multiple retailers, hence some having many issue code numbers on them rather than just a single order reference number, they had from 2 to 16 figures in them which came in baggies with a small catalogue showing other items from the toy line & were a perfect way for parents to give kids a lot of figures as a gift without breaking the bank, there are to date at least 85 known packs but I have heard that there may be as many as 98 (unconfirmed) with some others intended for release in the POTF line, though no example has ever surfaced (15.10.21) – 1 has been confirmed & it is likely they never made it to the production stage, nowhere near as many of these pack exist as with MOC as the packaging was at the time not regarded as something of any value & was in most cases discarded as simply being a cardboard box
In this first section I plan to cover the early issue plain brown or white box early issued MP’s, please note that although the number of MP’s issued is one thing, confirmed remaining examples of some is still a matter of debate, with several having never been discovered to date, bear this in mind when looking at the visual reference/photos & availability of them, hence some will be listed but no image is available.
If you have a pack that is not shown in the guide below I would be most grateful if you could help out & provide photos of any you have so they can be added to the index.
Awesome group shot of Samir Kirm’s excellent collection.
Catalog page showing some of the packs available.
White Creature packs were I think the first issued (not 100% if they came before the brown boxes or at the same time TBH)
Sears 49-59412 1978 – 2 pack Greedo – Blue Snag
Please note that there are 2 different versions of this pack, the other example was issued on it’s own rather than in the play set, the alternate version opens from the top rather than the end & has a retaining flap, the “Made in Hong Kong” text is not shown on the front but is on the side/bottom edge.
Sears 49-59412 1979 – 2 Pack Greedo Red Snag
Sears 49-59413 1978-9 – 2 Pack Hammerhead Walrus man
Please note that there are 2 different versions of this pack same as the blue Snaggletooth / Greedo version), the other example was issued on it’s own rather than in the play set, the alternate version opens from the top rather than the end & has a retaining flap, the “Made in Hong Kong” text is not shown on the front but is on the side/bottom edge, please see the SWCA Multi Pack guide for images – link on 1st post of this guide, image now added above.
Pic of the 2 Greedo / Snag 2 packs side by side, the red text contained the red snag & the black text the blue version & both stated Pack #1 which has caused confusion in years gone by.
The 2 Cantina packs (#1 & #2 Blue Snag) but a sealed example that has been X-rayed.
Spiegel/Penney/Aldens 1979 – 924-3353 – 57T4489 – 85Y8413 – 4 pack Hammerhead Walrus man red Snaggletooth Greedo
Great photo of a freshly opened pack, figures never removed COURTESY OF LandoSkiff (Dan) which I think makes for a great introductory photo for this section.
Sears 49-59414 – 1979 – Death Squad Commander Luke (Farm Boy) Han Solo (Large Head) this pack has been seen with the small head Han Solo but it’s very rare.
Wards/Penney/Spiegel/Aldens 48-24489 923-0889 – ( 57T882 / 57T887 ) – 58Y684 – 1978-79 – Leia Organa Han Solo (Large Head) Chewie Jawa – 4 pack
NOTE THE 2 VARYING FONT STYLES ON THE LEIA & JAWA -Both SW-d, but there seem to be more & more minor variations creeping into the mix so both large & small font like with the SW-a’s so do need sub-classing SW-a/1 /2 etc at some point, noticed by SWFUK member, Snaggletooth.
Wards/Penney/Spiegel/Aldens 48-24490 – 923-0871 – ( 57T4880 – 57T4886 ) – 85Y7685 – 1978-79 Ben Luke (farm boy) C-3p0 R2 D2 – 4 pack
Sears/Wards/Aldens – 1978-79 – 49-59415 – 48-24491 – 85Y7686 – Darth Vader Stormtroopers x 2 – 3 pack
Sears 49-59416 – 1978 – Chewie R2 3p0 – 3 pack
Sears 49-59417 – 1978 – Jawa / Tusken Raider’s X 2 – 3 pack
Same as the above pack (Sears 49-59417) but an X-Ray done of a sealed pack.
Same pack as above but a bit of an oddity picked up recently, this pack has been printed incorrectly with an additional digit in the code, same as the above one (Sears 49-59417 – Jawa / Tusken Raider’s X 2 – 3 pack) but has an additional number 4 in the code (factory typo 49-594147) first & only such code error I have seen, confirmed as the same pack as has been X-Rayed to confirm. Is this in fact an authentic factory error or could it be a Jeff G creation? Hmm food for thought…
Wards/penney/spiegel/aldens – 1978-79 – 48-24496 – 923-0988 – ( 57T-4881 – 57T-4888 ) – 85Y8415 – Darth Vader Tusken Raider Stormtroopers x 2 – 4 pack
Penney/Spiegel/Aldens – 1979 – 924-3346 – 57T-4890 – 85Y8418 – Luke (X-Wing) R5 Boba Fett Power Droid – 4 pack, this is a Q.C sign off pack & the only known example of one.
Sears – 1979 – 49-59451 Luke (X-Wing) Boba Fett – 2 Pack Pack, see page 6 for a Q.C sign off example with the same sign off signature as the others shown on this section.
Sears – 1977-78? (possibly 78/79??) – 49-59455 Luke (Farm Boy) Leia (Organa) 3p0 Death Squad Commander Tusken Raider Chewie Greedo Hammerhead Darth Vader Snaggletooth (Red) R2 Walrus Man Stormtrooper Jawa Han solo (Large Head) Ben – 16 Pack both known versions (1977/78)
Sears/Aldens – 1979 – 49-59458 – 85Y8416 – Chewie R2 Death Star Droid 3p0 – 4 Pack the one pictured is another signed QC sample & again the only one known to date, same signature as the one above.

NO IMAGE AVAILABLE AS YET & from what we know no examples have ever been found.
Sears – 1979 – 49-59459 Darth Vader Stormtroopers x 3 – 4 pack
Sears/Aldens – 1979-80 – 49-59461 – 85Y8410 Jawa’s X 3 Tusken Raider – 4 Pack
NO EXAMPLE HAS EVER SURFACED TO DATE So with it being what I would regard as a bit of a grail pack & me having a huge soft spot for Jawa’s, I have managed to pickle this approximation of what it may look like, I have put all SW-b baggies into the set with a box that only has half the factory code on which I got cheap ( the prefix part of the code is the same as this pack), I know it may well not be right, but I think its as close as we are ever likely to see unless a genuine pack surfaces, hell we have no idea what baggies would be in the pack bar that they would be SW era ones though likely B or D’s, it could be for all we know 3 VCJ’s so please bear in mind this is NOT the actual pack, just an approximation of what it should be.
As with the SW issued packs above, generally speaking the baggies in all the packs were identical, this era covered a lot more packs & figure combinations than the previous SW era ones due to more figures having been released & the success of the previous store MP’s, most were plain white boxes with just catalogue numbers much like the SW issued ones above though some sported the figure line up’s in text on the front & there were a small number released with line art images on the boxes of the included figures in Blue on the packet front, These “line art packs” are regarded as highly desirable & always command a huge premium, maybe one day eh!
Wards/Aldens – 1980 – 48-24511 – 58Y8404 – Darth, Fett, IG88 ,Hoth trooper – 4 pack
Wards – 1980 – 48-24512 Han Hoth, Leia Bespin (crew neck), Lando Bespin, BSG (White) – 4 PACK
Wards/Spiegel/Aldens – 1980 – 48-24513 – 57-4874 – 85Y8403 – Luke Bespin, Yoda, R2, FX-7 – 4 Pack (2 different versions of this pack exist), other box version now added, NOTE the spelling errors/differences on the 2 packs on the word “Fatigues”.
Wards/Spiegel – 1980 – 48-24514 – 57- 4873 – Hoth Troopers X 2, Hoth Rebels X 2 – 4 Pack
Penney – 1980 – 928-0439 BSG (White), Lando Bespin, FX-7, Han Hoth, IG-88, Hoth Rebel, Luke Bespin (Blonde), Hoth Trooper, Yoda (Orange Snake),Leia Bespin (Crew Neck) – 10 Pack
There are alternate spellings of “Fatigues” on the ESB 9 and 10-packs, and also light blue and dark blue print variants.
The misspelling of “Fatigues” as “Fatiques” was corrected but both packs can be found with either spelling.
This makes 3 variations for the 10 pack alone: dark blue print with “Q” spelling, dark blue print with “G” spelling, and light blue print with “G” spelling.
Note that this spelling error/issue is also on the 4 pack shown above (Wards/Spiegel/Aldens – 1980 – 48-24513 – 57-4874 – 85Y8403)
Penney – 1980 – 928-0454 Imperial Trooper, Chewie, Darth, IG-88 – 4 Pack
Penney – 1980 – 928-0488 BSG (White), FX-7, 3p0, R2 – 4 Pack
Penney/Spiegel – 1980 – 928-0496 – 57-4871 – Luke (X-Wing),Leia Bespin (Crew Neck),Han Hoth, Lando Bespin – 4 Pack
Penney – 1980 – 928-0512 Hoth Rebel, Luke Bespin (Blonde), Han (fat head), Fett
Sears – 1980 – 49-59032 Ben (White Hair), 3p0, R2, Chewie, Stormtrooper, DSD, Death Squad Commander, Hammerhead, Luke (farmboy – Blonde), Leia (Organa), Luke (X-Wing), Greedo, Snaggletooth (Red), Walrus Man, R5 – 15 Pack.
Available in standard & line are versions
Sears – 1980 – 49-59035 Luke Bespin (Blonde), Leia Bespin (Crew Neck), Lando Bespin, BSG (White), Hoth Rebel, Han Hoth, FX-7, Hoth Trooper, IG-88 – 9 Pack, this one has also been issued under another number from the same store just to confuse the issue (so I am told) & is another with the “fatigues” spelling errors as mentioned above on the 10 pack
NOTE that this pack shares the same code as a ROTJ era 3 pack (Sears – 1983 – 49-59035 – Admiral Ackbar/General Madine/Rebel commando – 3 Pack)
Standard issue.
Line Art Version.
Sears – 1980 – 49-59051 3p0, R2, Yoda (Orange Snake), Luke (X-Wing) – 4 Pack

Spiegel – 1980 – 57-4870 – R2, 3p0, Han (Big Head), Chewie 4 Pack
Standard issue pack.
Sears/Spiegel – 1980 – 49-59054 – 57-4872 – Bossk, Fett, Vader, IG-88 – 4 Pack.
I have two photos available for this pack, each with differing catalogues, I would suspect that it is possible that it could have been found with either, but I suspect (speculation) that the black background ESB one is the more likely correct one for this pack.
Sears/Aldens – 1980 – 49-59057 – 85T8403 – Hoth Trooper, Hoth Rebel, FX-7, Han Hoth – 4 Pack

Wards/Penney/Aldens – 1981 – 48-24545 – 929-4877 – 85Y8370 – Darth, Fett, Hoth Troopers X 2. – 4 Pack
Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 1981 – 48-24546 – 929-5049 – 57-4867 – Chewie, R2-D2, 3p0, Yoda – 4 pack
Wars/Penney/Aldens – 1981-82 – 48-24547 – 929-4224 – 85Y8372 – Dengar Rebel Commander, At At Driver, Imperial Commander, 2-1b, Leia Hoth, Ugnaught, Lobot. – 8 Pack
Wards – 1981 – 48-24548 Han Hoth, Yoda, Luke (X-Wing), Lando Bespin – 4 Pack.
This pack is listed in the Kellerman book twice as far as I can fathom, I.E it’s listed on 2 separate lines directly next to one another, both packs have the same line up & I have to assume this was a little error at time of printing, so regard to 2 further codes here as the same pack but for Sears & Aldens – 1981-82 – 49-59172 – 58Y8371
Sears/Wards 1981 – 49-59176 – 48-24549 – Stormtrooper Hoth Rebel, Hoth Stormtrooper, Rebel Commander. 4 Pack.
Sears – 1981 – 49-59179 Rebel Commander, Leia Hoth, Ugnaught, Lobot, 2-1b, Han bespin, At At Driver, Imperial Commander, Dengar. 9 Pack.
Sears – 1981 – 49-59182 Darth Vader, Yoda, Chewie, Ben Kenobi, 3p0, R2, Luke Farmboy, FX-7, Tusken Raider, Jawa, Hoth Stormtrooper, Death Squad Commander, Greedo, Hammerhead. 14 Pack, 3 examples of this pack turned up all together last year (2022) as well as 2 examples of the below shown 8 pack in the same find, so it’s a pleasure to be able to to finally add an image to the guide, all baggies are ESB-c bar the creatures which are ESB-d.
Penney – 1981 – 929-4216 Hammerhead, Snaggletooth, Tusken Raider, Ben Kenobi, Greedo, Jawa, Walrus Man, Stormtrooper – 8 Pack, great to finally have this one on the guide thanks to a member showcasing it on Facebook last year, one of very few examples known to exist, also was news to me that any ESB era packs were issued in brown boxes rather than just white ones, every days a school day init, info added 17.10.21 – lots of images for this one I know but it’s so dam cool! also codes on all different sides of the box.
I find it intriguing that all the figures are SW era rather than ESB era & more so with the brown box, you’d have expected this to be a SW era MP.
Penney/Spiegel – 1981 – 929-5056 – 57-4868 – Hoth Rebel, Han Hoth, Luke X-Wing, Lando Bespin. – 4 Pack

Spiegel – 1981 – 57-4869 Hoth Rebel Commander, Hoth Rebel, Stormtrooper X 2 – 4 pack
Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 1982 – 48-62351 – 655-1634 – 57-6252 – Vader, Fett, IG88, Stormtrooper – 4 pack.
We can’t confirm if the baggies for this as the only 2 known images depict different ones, but the are they only examples we have seen, I also note that the Boba Fett in the below of the 2 shown packs is in what would seem to be a ESB-f baggie, please be aware that this figure has never been documented in that baggie so is “could be” a fake.
Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 1982 – 48-62352 – 655-1642 – 57-6253 – Chewie, Han (large head), Leia (organa), Luke (farm boy) – 4 pack

Wards – 1982 – 48-62354 – Luke Hoth/Zuckuss/At AT Commander/CCP/C-3p0/R2-D2/Tie Pilot/Bespin Security guard – (Black) – 8 Pack
Spiegel – 1982 – 57-6250 Luke Hoth/Lando calrissian/Ben/Leia Hoth/FX-7/Bossk/Darth Vader/Han Hoth/At At Driver/DSC/At At Commander – 12 pack.
Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 1982 – 48-62355 – 655-1626 – 57-6251 – R2-D2/Yoda/Luke X Wing/Ben – 4 pack.
Penney – 1982 – 655-1659 – Lando Calrissian/Leia Bespin (turtleneck)/Lobot/Ugnaught – 4 pack
Note the Lobot white arm variant both arms are totally white ( above pack without catalogue code label) & also note – this is the only pack & sole baggie type the turtle neck Leia can be found in, I believe this to be the only box to be plain on all side bar the side with the P.O.P – no code on it just plain white, EDIT another example now added (2nd shown) with a code sticker on it.
Wards/Penney/Aldens/Spiegel – 1982 – 655-1758 – 57T-6251 – 48-62354 – 85-8372 Luke Hoth/Tie pilot/Zuckuss/At At Commander/R2-D2 (Sensorscope)/CCP/C-3p0 (R.L)/Bespin Security Guard (White) – 8 Pack
This pack is listed twice on the Kellerman matrix, once for Penny & once for Wards, they are however one & the same pack, it also only states 2 of the 4 retailers on the matrix even though it’s duplicated, glad it’s not just me that does this.
Sears – 49-59231 Luke Bespin/2-1B/FX-7/CCP/At At Driver/At At Commander/Tie pilot/Imperial Commander – 8 Pack
Just look how excited that kid must have been to get at the figures! Box torn right through in the mid section, some may say it’s ruined, but to me that’s history right there.
Thanks to Shane Carter for the inclusion.
Sears – 1982 – 49-59242 Luke Hoth/Han hoth/Yoda – 3 Pack.
Photo Courtesy of Andy Raymond
Sears – 1982 – 49-59243 Rebel Commander/Hoth Rebel/Hoth Rebel – 3 Pack
Additional pack shown (without catalogue) has a weapons error, the Hoth Commander had no weapon in the baggie, but there was (oddly) a loose one within the pack as shown.
Sears – 1882 – 49-59244 R2-D2 (Sensorscope)/C-3p0(R.L)/Chewbacca – 3 Pack.
Note this is the same line up as the SW era pack “Sears 49-59416 – 1978 – Chewie R2 3p0 – 3 pack” & again Sears being the retailer supplying it, this time though with the ESB era versions of R2 & 3P0.
Sears – 1982-83 – 49-59245 Darth Vader/Stormtrooper/Stormtrooper – 3 Pack
Included is a photo of a 2nd example with a weapons error trooper with Jawa blaster, not that I expect it’ll help his aim much
I have checked & cross checked the Kellerman guide & no mention of a second pack with the Hoth Stormtroopers is listed, so as of 27/9/15 you can regard this as another pack, really threw me out this has, as you can see they both share the same code, but one has an earlier issue ESB style white box, the other a ROTJ Red Sticker one.
I can only assume this is indeed the same pack but due to it being issued as late as 83 (most ESB packs only went up to 1982), they updated the box with what was being issued at the time & kept the same code & figure line up??
Sears – 1982 – 49-599246 Boba Fett/Stromtrooper/IG-88 – 3 Pack
Sears – 1982 – 49-59247 Dengar/Zuckuss/Bossk – 3 Pack
Wards 48-24470 year of issue unconfirmed but I expect it’s 1981 with what’s written on the box – ATAT Driver/Leia Hoth/Imperial Commander/Hoth Commander – 4 pack.
Some of the figures have never been seen in this baggie type before, so this is quite the exciting discovery both in terms of previously unknown things (Q.C Pack / Never before seen pack / or baggies).
As I understand it this turned up in the latest Hakes auction & till now as said was not known about, check out the dates it was issued, it’s not listed in the Montgomery Wards 1981 Christmas catalogue, the date written on it is from April 1981, months before the Xmas catalogues were sent out. Makes us wonder if it was from a spring catalogue or perhaps another flyer type thing? if so and this is only turning up now, it begs the question – what else is out there we have not yet seen / were there other MP’s available in this offer etc etc, makes the mind boggle.
Info and speculations courtesy of Andy Raymond & photos courtesy of Samir Krim.
Sears Wish Book from 1982 depicting some of the MP figures offered that year, figured this would make a nice addition to this MP post.
The most common of all the multipacks issued by the catalog distributors & still widely available for sale if you know where to look, some are readily available frequently, others are much tougher to track down & as will the ESB era issue some are just dam near impossible to find.
They came with a huge verity of figures/figure combos with some figures making an appearance in several packs, with the toy line being so well established & its popularity huge, lots of these packs were produced, with a vast selection of figure in them with all 77 figures already being in production by the time these hit the catalogs.
They come with a large round red sticker depicting several charterers on it (bar the 3 flyer ones at the bottom & the more recently added line art packs of which there seemed to be 5), including the very bright red cape bib fortuna pre production figure we are all accustomed to seeing, but never get the opportunity to own.
They came with a catalog folded over inside the box as the previous catalog multi packs did, just this time obliviously related to the ROTJ era & sporting its logo.
It is worth noting that when this era of MP’s were produced that many packs have been found with various different baggie types / substitutions, many being found with ESB-h baggies which were “suspected” to be used frequently as substitute, so not every line up of baggie shown on the guide below will be the same in every pack issued, though there are many with confirmed combinations cross checked against multiple examples.
Sears – 49-59245 – 1982-83 Darth Vader/Hoth Trooper/Hoth trooper – 3 Pack.
Note that the Vader is in a SW era baggie making the whole 2 packs with the same code thing even more obscure (see 49-59245 ESB era MP’s section for more info)
Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 19.83 – 48-62687 – 655-3796 – 57-6279 – General Maidine/Rebel Commando/Lando (Skiff)/Luke Jedi knight (know with blue & green saber)/Chief Chirpa/Logrey/Admiral Ackbar/Boussh – 8 Pack
Wards/Penney/Spiegel – 1983 – 48-62688 – 655-3804 – 57-6278 – Gamorrean Guard/Ree Yee’s/Bib/Biker Scout/ERG/Klaatu/Weequay/Squid head – 8 Pack.
Sears/Wards/Spiegel – 1983 – 49-59181 – 48-62689 – 57-6277 – ERG/Biker Scout/Ben/Nien Nunb/C-3p0/R2-D2/Tie Pilot/Yoda – 8 Pack, this pack was also issued with the tie pilot in ESB-h baggie (confirmed from a sealed pack)
Penney – 1983 – 655-3861 Dart Vader/Luke X Wing/Yoda/Boba Fett – 4 pack.
Penney – 1983 – 665-3879 – Stormtrooper x 4 – 4 Pack
Penney – 1983 – 665-3887 – Ben/R2-D2(Sensorscope)/Chewbacca/C-3p0 (R.L) – 4 Pack
Sears – 1983 – 49-59035 – Admiral Ackbar/General Madine/Rebel commando – 3 Pack.
This catalogue number is a repeat of one used for an earlier ESB Issued 9 Pack (Sears – 1980 – 49-59035 Luke Bespin (Blonde), Leia Bespin (Crew Neck), Lando Bespin, BSG (White), Hoth Rebel, Han Hoth, FX-7, Hoth Trooper, IG-88 – 9 Pack).
Sears – 1983 – 49-59041 – Gamorrean Guard/Squid Head/Bib Fortuna – 3 Pack.
2 examples shown below with baggies they were issued with, just as an example that not all ROTJ issued packs came with the same baggie types, Note the blue font on this box, from what we know this was the sole ROTJ era pack that came with this colour print on the box, additional image with catalogue.
Sears/Spiegel – 1983 – 49-59222 – 57-6280 – Lando Calrissian/Boussh/Luke jedi (available with both blue or green saber) – 3 Pack.
Sears – 1983 – 49-59444 – Klaatu/Ree Yee’s/Weequay – 3 Pack.
Sears – 1983 – 49-59872 – Chief Chirpa/Logray/Chewbacca – 3 Pack.
Penny/Spiegel – 1984 – 655-6153 – 57-6290 – Chief Chirpa/ Lumat/ Logray/ Wicket – 4 Pack
Note the Logray staff – see Logray section for more info, this is NOT a weapons error.
Penney – 1984 – 655-6161 – Leia Organa/Luke Farmboy/Darth Vader/Han Solo (large head)
Penney – 1984 – 655-6179 – Chewbacca/IG-88/C-3p0/R2-D2 – 4 Pack.
Penney – 1984 – 655-6237 – Emperor/Klaatu Skiff/Nikto/8D8/Rancor Keeper/At St Driver/ERG -7 Pack.
Penney -1984 – 1655-6245 – B-Wing Pilot/Leia (Endor)/Wicket/Han (Trench)/Prune Face/Teebo/Paploo – 7 Pack worth noting the supposed ESB-h baggie for Paploo, which is a twin heat seal overstock baggie, which is correct (see single figure baggies or the Revised Kenner guide for details).
Wards – 1984 – 48-62381 Luke Jedi/Leia (Endor)/Lando (Skiff) – 3 Pack, Note that this pack can be found with different baggie types & also the Luke with both blue & green saber versions.
Sears – 1984 – 48-59010 – Klaatu (skiff)/Nikto/8D8 – 3 Pack.
Sears/Wards – 1985-85 – 49-59012 – 48-62251 – Wicket/Papaloo/Teebo – 3 Pack. It is worthy of note that this pack was printed with 4 pop’s rather than 3 making it a bit of a factory error, this is the only one that has been seen to date with the 4 pops printed, all other examples that have been seen have the usual 3, there must have been a full print run done like this, but to date this is the only confirmed example.
Sears – 1984 – 48-59014 – Rancor Keeper/Prune Face/At St Driver – 3 Pack.
Spiegel – 1984 – 57-6287 – C-3p0 (R.L)/Ben/Chewbacca/R2-D2/Han Hoth/Leia/Luke X Wing – 7 Pack.
Sears/Wards/Spiegel –1984-85 – 49-59017 – 48-62252 – 57-6288 – Darth Vader/Emperor/ERG – 3 Pack.
Sears/Wards – 1984-85 – 49-59021 – 48-62380 – C-3p0 (R.L)/Ben/Yoda/Chewbacca/R2-D2/Han Hoth/Leia/Luke X Wing – 8 Pack.
Sears – 1984 – 49-59023 – Gamorrean Guard/Squid Head/Imperial Commander/Boba Fett/Bike Scout/Hoth Trooper/Stormtrooper/At At Commander – 8 Pack.
PLEASE NOTE the below 3 x 3 packs do not sport the red ROTJ round sticker & were not included in the Kellerman matrix, but are mentioned in the book in another section & were offered exclusively in a Wards envelope stuffer & assumed to have been offered in credit card statements according to the Kellerman book, envelope stuffer.
Wards – presumed 1984-85? – 48-62372 Darth Vader/Biker Scout/ERG – 3 Pack
Wards 48-62373 – presumed to be – 1984-85? – General Madine/Admiral Ackbar/Boussh – 3 Pack.
Wards (presumed) – 1984-85? -48-623374 Boba Fett/Bib Fortuna/Squid Head – 3 Pack
Catalogue 1009-32-sw41, sadly this is the only 1 of the 5 we have any real info & images for, they “maybe” be JC Penney ??
ROTJ era Line Art Packs I have long known about these packs via the ever informative Andy Raymond (thanks Andy) but never had as much as a scrap of info nor any images to include on the guide, as well there’s very little known about them, but I am including what I do have below.
There’s next to nothing on these packs sadly, what I have I am sharing, I can’t make out the figure line up’s let alone the pack code numbers so what you see is what you get, these would seem to be different figure line up’s to the other packs already covered in this guide, there is no mention of these on the Kellerman matrix sadly.
Side note – check out those prices $85 a pop – I’ll have them all please!
NO IMAGE AVAILABLE AS YET & likely never will be, but there’s always hope!
Penney – 1985 – 655-7128 – Warok/Romba/Wicket/Logray – 4 Pack – Never seen this pack & may never have been released & if it was there’s a good chance it was sent out with carded figures like the other POTF era Pack below.
I figured this image needed to be added as it’s just such an awesome sight!… behold Andy Raymond’s collection all stacked up!
Special thanks to these contributors for their knowledge and image contributions:
Laurence Dyer, Arnaud Heyser, Andrew Neo, AJ, Snaggletooth, Kevin Bletsoe, Brett Meyer, DEL, Gary Borbidge, Edd Grant, Chris Eddleman, Vince Hely, Nathan Maunder, Jamie Woollard, Niels Pit, Andrew MacLachlan, cantina_patron, Franck Gadal, Joe, Richard Temple, Sven Schneider, Steve Savory, Shane Carter, Chris Fawcett, Andy Clarke, psybertech, Jake Neilheisel, Alex Pardi, Marc Caraway, Spookedhippy, Frank Ferro, James Body, Jonathan Freeman, Grant Criddle, Chris Arbizzani, RobbieZombbie, Narayan S. Naik, Mark Yeo, SHAWN_K, Andy Raymond, MOMIKE, theguiltyone, Sublevel Studios, Mike Silver, Mr Palitoy, Ronny Anngren, Willem-Jan Bos, Robert Heron, Darren H, REBELALLIANCE, Uncle Ron, LandoSkiff (Dan), Mike Horn, Pat O’Brien, Benjamin, Samir Krim, Pete Fizke, Final Frontier, Mike Heel, MR KENNER, John Kellerman, Paul Naylor, Matthieu Barthelemy, Stéphane Faucourt, Yogi, Chris Simmons, Stormtrooper37, Thomas Derby, Todd G, Sheldon Wagstaffe, Derek Ho, Broc Walker, Adam Marks, James Gallo, Charles Jones, Darrell Johnson & Brendi Burton, Christian Somma, Johnpaul Ragusa, Jesse Cedar Soberman, Dorothée Drouin, Dennis Hall, Javier Ruilopez, Enric Rovira, Matthew Carlise, Stephen Tzaras.
Photos in the guide galleries below are compiled from a number of photo sources. It’s not been possible to find credits for each one, however, if you own one of the featured images and want to have your credit added, or don’t wish to have your photo included, please let me know and I’ll arrange.
Thanks, Chihuahua.