Euro Baggies

Frank Mewes


Euro-e/B – Twin Heat Sealed – Soft but more rigid that the Euro-e/A’s I am at this point “speculating” that these are in fact another Palitoy baggie type with the figures found in them so far being either MIHK or No Coo, not coo scarred like with the Euro-e/A’s & of a different material type.
Euro-f (Meccano) – declassified (for now) there is no Euro-f classification, this is due to new information discovered when the huge find of Meccano red sticker (free figure offer) were discovered & it was found that the sticker offer covered multiple baggie types rather than just one, this would have been more obvious if the stickers were not always placed directly over the fonts, subsequently all of the known baggie types used for the offer were actually already covered in this guide or the Kenner one, so as stated, for now there is no longer a Euro-f baggie type!
This baggie type is soft material & usually always found stapled rather than heat or tape sealed. It was one issued in France & most examples have come from the Meccano counter top red sticker free figure offer. Please note this baggie type has no text, a new image showing one without the red sticker will be added when it is available.
This classification previously covered all the red sticker baggies till it was discovered multiple baggie types had been used in the promotion. This was not clear till the big cache of them turned up in 2016, these were so rare before the find that it was impossible to know this as they used the red stickers to cover any font on the various baggies used in the promotion.
Euro-h – photo courtesy of Del – this is a baggie that rarely crops up & is often considered a fake, it is a genuine baggie though, material is very flimsy & the text usually has a lot of bleed out
Not sure what to make of these TBH, not covered in the SWCA guide & in a way not technically speaking a Euro baggie if you were to judge it by the logo on the baggie (Kenner), but it is not a know US issued baggie, but has been found multiple times around Europe which leads me to the conclusion its a baggie made up in a Kenner production plant with there logo & shipped to one of the European distributors for retail sale, sadly there is from what I know to date no other history on these baggie, but enough have surfaced to make me 99.9% convinced that it is indeed a genuine issue baggie type, it has been found both heat sealed & tape sealed, the example shown is heat sealed.
To date a baggie that has been a point of speculation regarding it’s authenticity, the mystery surrounding it suddenly became clear when a recent find of red sticker Meccano baggies were discovered, it has been one in question as more known examples are part of the Meccano free figure offer/promotion (see Meccano Red sticker guide for full details) & have a large rectangular red sticker on them which covered the font type on the baggies, glad to put this one to rest & confirm it’s authenticity at long last, it is tape sealed & crisp with a blue green large font.
Many thanks to Enric Rovira & Javier Ruilopez for info & images on this section.
These are baggies only for transport figs from the welding machine to blister machine. Only for factory use tape sealed (Type-B), and not exclusive to the Star Wars line & also between internal departments heat sealed, (type-A).
Sadly bar the little scrap at the bottom from a date sheet & the actual images, we don’t have much else in terms of information or documentation, but are sure these are authentic.

Euro-l (a) Soft baggie/ Heat sealed

Euro-l (b) Soft baggie/ Tape sealed
Photos courtesy of Enric Rovira & Javier Ruilopez

The only snippet in the form of evidence we have, sadly the owner wished to remain anonymous, so we can’t include anything further, not sure what it all means but hey it’s what I got to share.

This is an undocumented baggies type, it’s from a flea market find in France by Fabrice Fuybert who has since sadly passed away, I’ve cropped this image from the baggie lot image I have which is shown on the “Bulk Finds” section of the guide, it is obvious the find was all authentic baggies & this really goes to show that even now there are baggies that are authentic that we know little or nothing about, I can’t classify it or give it a designation as this is the only example that we know of & we don’t have better images available & likely never will, it looks to be a soft materiel type / heat sealed & be “made in Macau/Macao” text, the text looks to be purple/blue & I wanted to include it in case we ever discover further examples, it’s impossible to even be sure of the spelling on Macau/o on the bag.

This image like the ERG shown came from a flea market find in France form a collectors called Fabrice Fuybert who has sadly since passed away, it would be the only non Kenner baggie we have seen this figure in, sadly it can not be classified as all we have to go on is this tiny image which has been cropped from the bulk find image (shown in the bulk finds section), the rest of the baggies in the find were authentic so one would think this one is as well, obviously it’s impossible to make out what it states on the baggie text & it would seem to be of a crisp material type & heat sealed with very small grey/blue font, I wanted to include it in case other examples ever crop up which sadly seems unlikely now.
Just another example of how much we still don’t know about baggies & what wonders ended up never making it on to the card-stock they were very likely intended for.
Special thanks to these contributors for their knowledge and image contributions:
Laurence Dyer, Arnaud Heyser, Andrew Neo, AJ, Snaggletooth, Kevin Bletsoe, Brett Meyer, DEL, Gary Borbidge, Edd Grant, Chris Eddleman, Vince Hely, Nathan Maunder, Jamie Woollard, Niels Pit, Andrew MacLachlan, cantina_patron, Franck Gadal, Joe, Richard Temple, Sven Schneider, Steve Savory, Shane Carter, Chris Fawcett, Andy Clarke, psybertech, Jake Neilheisel, Alex Pardi, Marc Caraway, Spookedhippy, Frank Ferro, James Body, Jonathan Freeman, Grant Criddle, Chris Arbizzani, RobbieZombbie, Narayan S. Naik, Mark Yeo, SHAWN_K, Andy Raymond, MOMIKE, theguiltyone, Sublevel Studios, Mike Silver, Mr Palitoy, Ronny Anngren, Willem-Jan Bos, Robert Heron, Darren H, REBELALLIANCE, Uncle Ron, LandoSkiff (Dan), Mike Horn, Pat O’Brien, Benjamin, Samir Krim, Pete Fizke, Final Frontier, Mike Heel, MR KENNER, John Kellerman, Paul Naylor, Matthieu Barthelemy, Stéphane Faucourt, Yogi, Chris Simmons, Stormtrooper37, Thomas Derby, Todd G, Sheldon Wagstaffe, Derek Ho, Broc Walker, Adam Marks, James Gallo, Charles Jones, Darrell Johnson & Brendi Burton, Christian Somma, Johnpaul Ragusa, Jesse Cedar Soberman, Dorothée Drouin, Dennis Hall, Javier Ruilopez, Enric Rovira, Matthew Carlise, Stephen Tzaras.
Photos in the guide galleries below are compiled from a number of photo sources. It’s not been possible to find credits for each one, however, if you own one of the featured images and want to have your credit added, or don’t wish to have your photo included, please let me know and I’ll arrange.
Thanks, Chihuahua.