Glasslite Cardbacks

– Princesa Léia
– R2-D2
– Luke Skywalker
– Chewbacca
– C-3PO
– Han Solo
– Guerreiro Imperial
– Darth Vader
– Droids C-3PO
– Droids R2-D2
– Thall Joben
– Kea Moll
– Kez-Iban
– Jord Dusat
– Vlix
Glasslite use the same generic card artwork for all their figures, this method was echoed with their Droids product line. The name plate label above the figure bubble was added during the final stages of production – judging from the random placement of these labels this process appears to have been manual rather then automated.
5161.15 C-3PO: Com pernas e bracos desmontáveis (With detachable arms and legs)
5162.15 R2-D2: Companheiro de C-3PO (Companion of C-3PO)
5163.15 Luke Skywalker: O Cavalheiro Jedi (The Jedi Knight)
5164.15 Princesa Léia: Lider Da Rebelião (Leader Of The Rebellion)
5165.15 Chewbacca: Co-piloto De Solo (Co-pilot of Solo)
5166.15 Han Solo: Mercenário Estelar (Space Mercenary)
5167.15 ?
5168.15 Darth Vader: A espada da Forca cresce em suã mão (The force “sword” extends in his hand)
5169.15 Guerreiro Imperial (Imperial Warrior): Soldado de Elite do Império (Elite Soldier of the Empire)
The name plates contained three pieces of information: the Character Name, Description and a Unique Reference Number. While most people have noticed the name plate stickers which came in a multitude of bright colours, how many people noticed that the unique reference number sequence is incomplete? If you examine the translated list of name plates below, for some reason Glasslite did not release an action figure using the number 5167.15.